Landmark Church of Jesus ~ 1802 Lois Street ~ Cleveland, TN 37311 ~ 423.478.1545
Sun : 9:30am ~ Wed : 7:00pm
Landmark   Endtime   School

Articles by Gary Hyde

Last Days of the Church

Chapter 1: The Last Week of Daniel - NOW!...
Preface - Last Week from Daniel - Church Mirrors Israel - Overview - Call to Awaken - Christ confirms Covenant - Two Witnesses Ministry - Church Divides into Three - Two Witnesses Purpose - Trumpets 1-4 - Seventh Angel Sounds

Chapter 2: A Change in the Ministry...
First 3 1/2 - 2 Witness Ministry - Forehead Sealing - Israel Affected - Christ Ministry Changes - Great Tribulation for Some - Satan Sits in Temples - Some Sealed - Lights Go Out

Chapter 3: The Church in Three Parts...
Church Overview - 3 Part Church in Types - Meat Offerings - Burnt Offerings - The Rebellious - The 1st Fruits - The Defiled

Chapter 4: Four Principle Areas...
Trumpets 1-4 - Touch 4 Areas of Man - Word of God - Outer Man - Inner Man - Following the Spirit

Chapter 5: Last Half Week of Daniel...
7 Beast Kingdoms - Mixture with God's People - Babylon & the Church - 3 1/2 Beast & False Prophet - Spirit Pulling Back - Elijah Pattern of Overcoming

Chapters 1-5 : Last Days of the Church...

The 8th Beast

Chapter 1: Satan Bound...
Preface - Satan Bound - Judgment Set - Thrones - 1000 Years - Reigning - Priests - Kings - 1st Resurrection - 2nd Death

Chapter 2: The 5th Trumpet - The Pit is Opened...
Pit Opens with Smoke - Church Returned - See What's Opened - Iniquity Abounds - Devil Loosed(the 8th) - Deceiving Signs Given Life - Prosperity Deceives - Nations Gathered - Anointed Pass - Saints Surrounded - Smoke & Locusts

Chapter 3: The 6th Trumpet Army...
Coming Army - Trumpet Sounded - River Dried Up - Lying Spirits Loosed - Beast Army Flood - Three Movements - Charismatic - Word of Faith - Prosperity - Church Flooded - Can't Sell or Buy

Chapter 4: Heavens Shaking...
Christ 1st Shaking - Type of Natural Israel - The Church - Days of Vengence - Church Shakening

Chapters 1-4...

Issachar Ministries

Thanks for visiting our Landmark Church website where we minister truths and understandings in the Revelation of Jesus Christ for these end-times. More and more people are understanding that something has changed within our life-time. May you find scriptural revelation and spiritual support for what is transpiring in these last days.

This ministry came into being years ago when the Spirit of God spoke to Elder R. L. Hyde to start a church in the Cleveland, TN to specifically "get his family out of the mother harlot church system". Elder Hyde finished his ministry several years ago and is now with the Lord Jesus.

The revelation and understandings of these end-times which Christ Jesus gave to him, created a foundation which we continue to live and walk upon today. The Mystery Babylon message you will find here is largely an expression of what Christ Jesus taught Elder Hyde about what was going on in the spirit realm.

You will notice that much of what you will find here is similar to what you may have heard from other ministries. Yet, you will come across much teaching that does clash and opposes traditional end-time teachings. We do not feel that we have the last, nor the complete word on all these issues. But, we most definitely feel that we should share this measure with you which the Lord Jesus has shared and revealed to us.

It is not our purpose to oppose many of the popular opinions held in main-stream Christianity. We are simply trying to remain faithful to what he the Lord Jesus revealed to us by His Holy Spirit for this end-time. If you are looking for the same theology which the popular christian media is serving today, you may be disappointed. But if you have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying, you will find food and drink on the table.

We encourage you to ponder, meditate, study and pray about that which you will hear and gives you question. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon. He will not be secretly removing a special group of his people off the planet for their protection, leaving all the others. Each of us should prepare to be here until Christ comes again, when every eye shall see him and every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord.

These articles and videos are here for the benefit of the Body of Christ. Please feel free to copy or download any of these articles for your own private study and use. Freely, we have received and freely they are given. We have no denomination, no creed, or nor faith to preach; but Christ Jesus our King and Lord. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

May the Lord Bless you and Keep You. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and give you peace.

An Endtime Prophecy Alternative...
If you are a proponent of your local Bible bookstore's prophecy teachers then you need AN ENDTIME PROPHECY ALTERNATIVE so that you can give yourself an opportunity to hear what the Spirit of God is speaking by the Holy Ghost to other vessels who are not in that circle. Yes, God is speaking and has spoken of endtime events in a different light than the popularly accepted Left Behind version. You deserve to give yourself and your loved ones an opportunity to hear what is happening and what will happen from a completely different Holy Ghost perspective.

The Left-Behind Series...
The popularity of the fictional Left-Behind Series is a sign of the present state of affairs within the church; .... not merely the future. The Spirit of Jesus Christ came to his Church, his body of believers, during the 20th century to prepare his people of the earth for his 2nd coming. So many failed to acknowledge him and were truly Left Behind.

Rapture : A Secret Escape...
Prior to Darby and Scofield, prominent Christian ministers knew nothing of a 2 stage coming of Christ or secret rapture for the church prior to the AntiChrist. John Wyclif, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Foxe, John Calvin, Isaac Newton, and John Wesley never mentioned a secret rapture of the church. Margaret MacDonald's Visions, John Darby's 2 stage secret rapture views of the 1800's and Scofield's 1909 Scofield Reference Bible greatly influenced the spreading of the secret rapture teaching. Margaret's Vision....

Endtime Signs of Christ's Soon Return...
We live in a generation saturated with SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Jesus Christ has not been silent but speaking freely by the Holy Spirit about his present and future purposes. The signs of the times are all around us. The bookstore prophecy teachers have insight into many but have also missed or ignored many other endtime signs. As an ENDTIME PROPHECY ALTERNATIVE we wish to share the usual signs of the end but we will also share with you other signs the Holy Spirit has revealed. We don't see clearly. But we do see what others may have not.

Mark of the Beast...
The Mark of the Beast is not a super computer, ....nor the imprinting of invisible numerals upon people's foreheads and hands, ....nor the use of optical scanners, ....nor buying and selling with "plastic cards", ....nor "EFT" (electronic funds transfer), nor even worshipping on Sunday, it is.....

Anti-Christ in the Temple...
Would the real Anti-Christ please stand up! No need to wait any longer. An individual named "The AntiChrist" is not found in the Bible. Nor does the Bible say Satan will sit on any throne in Jerusalem...but he will sit in the temple.

Un-Veiling the Harlot...
We of the latter part of the 20th century are facing a different image of Mystery Babylon that the image that was projected during any of the seven great kingdoms; ... We are facing the Beast-Harlot's best ... the EIGHTH MANIFESTATION, "which is of the seven." (Rev 17:11 Her greatest and last deception just before she "goeth into perdition."

Mystery Babylon : Part 2...
(Part 1 is The Two Babylons by Hislop) Part 2 attempts to bring the revelation of the Mother Harlot current to the 21st century.

De-Throning Christ...
The doctrine and spirit of the Nicolaitans is alive and well in Christianity and in the House of the Lord.

Whose Baptism Do You Have?...
The Pope said one time that I had his Baptism. So I checked it out. He was right! So I corrected that. What about You?