Landmark Church of Jesus ~ 1802 Lois Street ~ Cleveland, TN 37311 ~ 423.478.1545
Sun : 9:30am ~ Wed : 7:00pm
Landmark Christian School

50+ Reasons for Christian Schools & Home Schooling

Personally I was directed by the Spirit of God to become a public school teacher. It was where I made a living for my family. I am now retired. There are many God fearing disciples of Jesus Christ within its ranks. I did what I was to do. Now it is your turn to decide. What are you to do??

Here are some thoughts which I gleaned from others during the early 2000's. Do any of them resonate within your being as true? I am not big on quotes. Listen with your heart. It is not your mind Christ is after; ...it is your heart.


Traditional Judeo-Christian Ethics Are "Out": Children are inundated with a plethora of cultures, religions and immorality, while the traditional American values are totally excluded. It does not take into account that our entire constitution, our entire law system and political system are built on the traditional Judeo-Christian ethics (the Ten Commandments).

Multi-Culturalism Agenda Pushes Acceptance of Sin-full Life-style: Multiculturalism and global education is presented as teaching students to be tolerant of all races, creeds and cultures. This is noble and consistent with Christ's message for all nations. But under this guise of "multicultural pluralism" children are being taught that different life-styles (homosexual/lesbian) and moral relativism (values clarification - atheism) are acceptable and even desirable. Thus, atheism, social immorality, and anti-Americanism are all taught as legitimate curriculum in multiculturalism.

An Out-of-Control Social Culture: Parents are concerned about the over-all condition of our society. Former U.S. Secretary of Education Dr. William J. Bennett said, "Violent crime is six times more common in America today than it was in 1960. There are five times more illegitimate births. The divorce rate has quadrupled, the teenage suicide rate has tripled and SAT scores have dropped 80 points."

Fear Government Schools : Martin Luther said, "I'm afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of youth." America's government-run education system has proven Luther right.

Teach that Truth Exists Separate from God : Non-Christian school teaches children that they can find or create truth apart from God, ...apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Schools Existed Before Public Schools : Christian schools existed in America 230 years before public schools were established. From the first American settlement school at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, to state-controlled public schools established by Horace Mann in 1837. It was in 1837 that Horace Mann and the new public schools of Massachusetts abandoned the well-established Christian schools of New England.

Safe Environment : More and more parents want a positive, caring and safe educational environment for their children.

Value-Free Education : It seems the over-riding purpose of value-free or value-neutral education, so prevalent in the nation's non-Christian schools, including some non-Christian private schools, is to totally erase Christian values and Biblical truths from the hearts and minds of the next generation.

All education is ultimately value-oriented. All cultures and subcultures educate their children with the predominant values held by that culture. No truth, fact, or educational philosophy can be neutral or value-free.

Spiritual & Moral Deterioration in Public Education: The spiritual, moral, and intellectual pathologies of the government school system are now obvious even to casual observers. The morals of Christian-family youth are being corrupted when the lifestyle of their teachers reflects such anti-Christian views as gay rights, abortion rights, and sex before marriage.

The Self-Esteem Movement : A non-Christian school teaches a system that tells children that their work is very good even when it is very bad. This is the great "self esteem" movement.

Teaching the Whole Child: Christian schools can teach the whole child, academically, spiritually, physically, and socially; the whole truth, the whole time,.

Atheism Progagated in Government Schools : "The United States system of national popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen." A. A. Hodge

Teaching All Gods are Equal : A non-Christian school teaches that all gods are equal. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, are all taught as personal expressions of faith, ...all legitimate for whomever chooses to believe in them, and cannot be criticized or questioned.

Classroom Affects a Childs World-view : A Christ-centered education will affect how our children see the world. Education in Christian school classrooms is Christ-centered. Christ is the center of life and the message of Christian day schools.

Evolution is Taught as True in Public Schools: A non-Christian school teaches that evolution is true.

We're Simply Rearing Pagans: Peter Marshall said, "Let us not fool ourselves- without Christianity, without Christian education, without the principles of Christ inculcated into young life, we are simply rearing pagans." A Godless curriculum will produce a Godless people.

Multiple Messages Massaging the Children: Many forces, values, and messages bombard our children: home,school, church, television, friends, music, and magazines. Between the seventh and 12th grades, the average teenager listens to 10,500 hours of rock music, just slightly less than the entire number of hours spent in the classroom from kindergarten through high school. (7hr/day X 180days/yr X 13 yrs = 12,000 hours)

Listening to music is the primary way troubled teens say they cope with problems. One survey says, that after music, they turn next to friends, drugs and video games.

Education is a Parent's Responsibility: Since the education and training of children is a divine parental responsibility, parents should select schools which will educate and train their children in a manner that reflects the parent's philosophy and views.

No Accountability to a Creator: A non-Christian school teaches that there is no Divine Authority. Without God as the Supreme Authority over all of life and the source of truth, the framework for a pattern of thinking is in place that concludes man is the supreme authority in life.

Nuture Children Before Transplantation: A child will be much better prepared to make his way in the world and stand firm in his faith if he's had a chance to develop in a protected environment. Consider this. Picture a tomato seedling that you plant in your greenhouse in hopes that it will become strong and healthy enough to transplant into your garden (the "real world") in the spring. You want it to bear fruit next summer, and you know it is better to start the plant in a protected place. It would be foolish to set it out in the harsh elements, subject to cold and wind. You are simply preparing the seedling for transplantation at the appropriate time. It is the same for a child.

Lean toward Better Discipline & Moral Environment : Christian schools tend to have better discipline, more rigorous academics, better moral influence, less drug problems than public schools.

Wolf Baby-Sitters?: To commit our children to the care of irreligious persons is to commit lambs to the superintendency of wolves." Timothy Dwight

Good Deeds Are Not Enough? : A non-Christian school teaches that a person can reach a level of goodness based on their good deeds. Being a nice person to others and nature, having certain character traits, and achieving certain goals or accomplishments will make a person happy, wise, and good.

Corruption Without God is Inevitable: Martin Luther said, "I advise no one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt...I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth."

Just Eliminate the Bad in Public Schools : If we throw out all the bad stuff found in public schools (shootings, rapes, stealing, fighting, cheating, etc.) and have a 'nice' school where no student is afraid, we are still left with an education system that is robbing youth of the most important aspect of being educated - … to trust God.

1 hour versus 30 hours : It's totally unrealistic for a parent to assume that one hour of Sunday school per week can successfully compete with a 30-hour school week experience where required attendance has the force of the law.

Neutrality in Values is Impossible: Christ said, "He who is not with me is against me..." (Matthew 12:30). Therefore, since neutrality is impossible according to Christ, schools which do not declare themselves to be for Christ are, intentionally or by default, against Him. How then can Christian parents enroll their children and young people in schools that are against Christ?

True Purpose of Education is: The true purpose of being properly educated and successful is to establish God's covenant on earth. Public schools do not go this direction; but rather promote materialism as a way of being successful.

Adults Teach Values to Children: The fact that values are communicated from adults to children is founded on God's counsel. Every command in the Scriptures relative to the training of children is given to parents. (i.e. Deut. 4:9, 11:18, Prov. 22:6) Luke 6:40 states that, "...a student, when he is fully trained, will be like his teacher."

Children Catch Values from Others : You must remember that what is being taught is coupled with what is being caught. We should ask not only what is being taught, but what is being caught by our children.

Atheist is Founders of Public Schools: Horace Mann and John Dewey, founders of our public school system, openly expressed their hatred for Christianity. They literally feared an education system that would teach youth to fear God, which is just what America had for the first two hundred years of existence. Sadly, our public schools teach subjects simply as if God does not exist.

But What will Happen to the Government Schools?: But what will happen to non-Christian schools if Christians abandon them? Shouldn't we send our Christian children to non-Christian schools to witness for Christ? Dr. D. James Kennedy says, "You don't send an eight year-old out to take on a forty-year-old humanist."

Teaching Immorality is Acceptable?: Homosexuality is an acceptable "alternative lifestyle" in the government public schools. This, of course is contrary to numerous passages of Scripture which call it an "abomination"(Lev. 18:22).

A Child's Teacher is a Role Model. The Christian ethics and morals expounded in your home and church are reinforced in the Christian school classroom. Teacher-pupil ratio in a Christian school is lower than that of most public schools. Scriptural admonitions concerning the rearing of children in the Christian faith, such as Deut. 6:5-7 and 2Cor. 6:14, can only be truly adhered to if children are taught in a Christian environment. The public schools cannot prepare a child for a fruitful, Christ-honoring life.

Abortion & Killing the Unborn is Acceptable: Abortion or killing an unborn child is a "choice" a mother can make and doctors can perform with no moral consequences. In the Bible God talks about human beings as being human beings before they are born. (Psalms139:13-16). America has killed, as national official policy, over 50,000,000 potential Americans.

Values are Being Taught Children: Parents should realize that values are taught, whether by accident or design, in the school classroom. It is impossible to teach from a value neutral base. Parents should ensure that their child's school curriculum and teachers present a world-view and value system which is similar to their own. It is not happening for Christian families in the public school system.

The fact that values are communicated from adults to children is founded on God's counsel. Every command in the Scriptures relative to the training of children is given to parents. (i.e. Deut. 4:9, 11:18, Prov. 22:6) Luke 6:40 states that, "...a student, when he is fully trained, will be like his teacher."

Replacing God : Sending a child into an environment that is anti-Christian in philosophy is subjecting the mind of your child to daily teaching that is determined to replace God in every subject and every area of life.

Children as Salt & Light ? :Children should not be sent into the government schools as "salt & light" for the same reason that children do not lead Bible studies, become pastors, or go to foreign countries as missionaries. They are not mature enough emotionally or spiritually, and for that matter, can't even provide their own physical needs.

Censorship & Bias in Children's Textbooks: "Religion,traditional family values, and conservative political and economic positions have been reliably excluded from children's textbooks.

One remarkable conclusion about one study of Social Studies texts was that Zero out of 60 textbooks (approximately 15,000 pages) do not have even one word referring to any religious activity in contemporary life. None of these texts had even one mention of people who go to church or synagogue, or who worship or pray or that religion has any influence on their lives or on society.


b>The Word of God is Brought to Bear Against Man's Sin Nature: Because all children come into this world with a sin nature, they are all prone to selfishness, anger, malicious talk, coveting, and the list goes on. In addition, they are exposed to many of the worldly influences that all children are ex-posed to in movies, books, television and more. The difference in the Christian school is that the Christian school can bring the Word of God into every situation in the lives of the children. The public schools do not and can not.

Educational Profession has more Christians in the Work Place: There are more Christians per capita who are teachers, principals, or superintendents in the non-Christian school world than in almost any other secular profession. But no other secular workplace has more intimidating regulations against aggressive Christ & evangelism than the non-Christian schools. Two things emerge from this: 1) We need to pray earnestly for Christian educators in secular schools, and 2) we should not expect children to do an adult job.

Worldview of Secular Education: Why should religious parents educate their children in a school system that, for example, ignores creation theory in favor of evolution and teaches that sex is an option they can exercise before marriage with no concerns other than preventing venereal disease and pregnancy?

Worldview of Christian Education: Christian education revolves around the world-view that says there is a personal and infinite God who is involved with his creation and has lovingly communicated through the Bible what is best for humankind.

The first and most important thing that you're going to find in a Christian school is an education that is presented from an eternal perspective, meaning, students are taught about the reality that there is a God, and His will for each young person is to know him personally as Savior and then, to begin learning how they can become totally devoted disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It's an education about having children understand the need for a personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe through his son, Jesus Christ and how that Creator can profoundly impact and interact with their lives right here, right now as well as for the rest of their lives.

Students receive at a Christian school an education that is from an eternal perspective based on a personal relationship with God our creator. This will be lived out in some kind of service to the kingdom of God and to others and an education not only of the mind, but of the heart as well, to love God, and to love and serve others.

No Bible to Turn Children over to Non-Believers: There is no Biblical support for training Christian children in a non-Biblical environment. Decades ago Yale University's President, Timothy Dwight, said, "Education ought everywhere to be religious education...parents are bound to employ no instructors who will not educate their children religiously. To commit our children to the care of irreligious persons is to commit lambs to the superintendency of wolves."

Growth is Out of Nuture - Not Resistance: Christian psychologist Clyde Narramore said, "A tree that is planted in poor soil doesn't have the advantages that one planted in good earth has. Contrary to some belief, we do not grow through resistance. Children do not develop because they resist food. Their growth comes as a result of good food and care.

Where are Soldiers are Trained? :The Bible describes life on this earth as warfare. Warriors are never trained in enemy territory. School is a training ground. A primary purpose of a Christian school is to prepare students to be non-conformists to the world.

The Bible says, "And be not conformed to this world..." (Romans 12:2a), but at the same time we are to be prepared to live victoriously in the world. Simply put, if you want your children to live as Christians they must be taught by Christians.

200 Years our Government had No Voice: For the first two centuries of our nation, civil government had no voice in education. In the last century, it has wanted to be the only voice. We spend more money (tax money!) on education per pupil than any other industrialized nation yet rank near or at bottom in academic performance, especially in math, physics and sciences. Why?

100 Years of Government Voice : From the removal of the Ten Commandments in the classroom to denying prayer in school to forbidding any display of religious objects in public places (including a closed Bible on a teacher's desk), our nation has determined to become a secular people officially. No Word, just bread; no supernatural, just natural.

The Fruit is Easily Seen: The fruit of this removal of Christianity from the public square is apparent to anyone who wants to see- a decrease in good things (honesty, morality, literacy, family coherence, etc.) and an increase in bad things (crime, sexual immorality, bankruptcies, business and government corruption, family breakdown, etc.).

Statistics show: that about 90% of all Christians in the United States agree on one thing : they all send their children to the government public schools. And 7 out of 10 of those children disappear from their local church assemblies once they graduate from high school. There is also greater tolerance for all other religions than for Christianity in the public school system.


These last 10 reasons are from … David d'Escot, who is a teaching elder and the co-author of "The Little Book of Big Reasons to Homeschool".



b>Cookie cutter approach. Public schools fail to train up each child according to his or her unique giftings, learning needs, and future callings. When one teacher has to manage a classroom full of children, many simply fall through the cracks. It is no wonder that the number of tutoring programs and learning centers is growing so rapidly, and it is no wonder that the dropout rate is right around 1.2 million kids per year (7,000 every school day). Our children have a special purpose in God's plan, and no government institution that shuffles millions of children through an efficiency-based system can come close to addressing this the way parents can in the home.

Anemic academics. The latest research reports that the U.S. spends well over a half-trillion tax dollars a year (over $9,000 per student) on education. One would think that there would be a decent return for this amount of spending, but as the Washington Post reported recently, children who are government schooled consistently rank near the bottom of all industrialized nations in math and science. As our taxes increase, literacy levels drop, and academic standards are being dumbed down to cover up school ineptitude. Being smart just ain't what it used to be. In equipping our children for service to their King, we should be giving them the highest quality education possible.

Misplaced authority. By placing their children in the school system, parents basically relinquish their authority to teachers, coaches, counselors, administrators, and local and state board members. State laws virtually say, "Moms and dads, drop your kids off at the front door and let the 'experts' decide how and what they will learn." Scarier still is the statistic that about half of all parents cannot even name their child's teacher, making one wonder if they even know what their child is actually learning in school. We saw the public schools boldly take away parents' fundamental rights when the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled "no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children." There are similar cases going on right now in several other parts of the country, so this is really just the beginning.

Family fragmentation. Students spend an average of 1,100 hours a year in public school. This does not include commutes, extended care hours, after-school commitments, and the ever-increasing burden of homework and tutoring programs. Very little time is left for meaningful family interaction. Sadly enough, once those unhealthy appetites for peer relationships have developed, parents and siblings learn to get along without each other. God has designed the family for the purpose of nurturing and training our children, a model that cannot be replaced with inferior alternatives.

Peer dependency. A child left with other kids for a minimum of five days a week, 180 days a year, will learn to accept and do whatever is necessary in order to gain approval by his peer group. He will learn how to talk, how to dress, how to act, what music to listen to, and which TV shows and movies to watch, and he will get a steady dose of pop culture. It's interesting that one of the main red flags raised by home-school skeptics is socialization. The Bible has already forewarned us about what happens to "a companion of fools." Proverbs 13:20 ..He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Bad company. First Corinthians 15:33 warns us to not be deceived, telling us that bad company corrupts good morals. 1Co 15:33 Be not deceived: evil communications (crowd, companionship) corrupt (spoil) good manners. Yet parents foolishly accept the norm of grouping 25-30 children in a classroom for the majority of the day, spanning twelve or more years of their lives, and expect their children to rise above the folly. Add to this formula the natural inability in young children to be confined to a desk for hours, followed by all the angst that accompanies the raging-hormone years. It's no wonder schools are rampant with poor attitudes, low self-esteem, hostility toward teachers, vandalism, bullying, drug use, gun threats, fear, and chaos. While it would be nice to think that the "good kids" are being salt and light, in most cases, good morals are grossly compromised.

Propagating promiscuity. The Heritage Group reports, "Every day, 8,000 teenagers in the United States become infected by a sexually transmitted disease." Armed with condoms and explicit classroom demonstrations brought to you by Planned Parenthood, it's no surprise that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the HPV vaccine for 11- and 12-year-old girls. A recent study shows that the Church is not immune either; our children in youth groups are experimenting with sex just as much as those outside the church. Sadly, today's youth, along with their many parents, have forgotten the old adage: "If you play with fire you are going to get burned."Proverbs 6:27

Bye-bye Bible. The public schools of today have succeeded in removing the Bible and are becoming more and more openly hostile toward Christianity while maintaining a politically correct stance toward other world religions and cults. Just recently, a boy who dressed up as Jesus for Halloween was sent home by the principal because his costume was deemed "too offensive." The poor handful of kids who do attempt to make a difference for the Kingdom are often ridiculed and told to be happy that they can, at the very least, go outside and hold hands around a flag pole once a year to pray.

Perishing generation. Public schools are one of the leading reasons the next generation is falling away from a solid Biblical worldview and a faith-based life. Studies show that because of the intensive secular-humanistic indoctrination occurring in the public schools, it is approximated that over 80% of children from Christian homes are walking away from the Church by the time they reach college age. Most Christians in the United States, including many pastors and prominent leaders, are asleep at the wheel on this cold, hard reality. Thankfully, some have already woken up. One notable pastor, Scott Brown, wrote, "If current trends in the belief systems and practices of the younger generation continue, in ten years, church attendance will be half the size it is today."

Scripturally unsound. My final point may be the most controversial, but the fact is that public education is causing millions of children to stumble in their walk with our Lord. Can we not logically conclude that it is unbiblical for us to send our children there? Bold words, some may say-I would say they're rather Biblical. Please open up your Bible and read Matthew 18:1-6, 1 Corinthians 8 (focusing on verses 11-13), and finally Romans 14:13-23 (focusing on verses 13 and 21).

Do you see it?