Landmark Church of Jesus ~ 1802 Lois Street ~ Cleveland, TN 37311 ~ 423.478.1545
Sun : 9:30am ~ Wed : 7:00pm
Landmark   Endtime   School

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Jesus renounces two spirits which entered his church in the early ages. One is the deeds and doctrines of the Nicolaitanes. The other is the doctrine of Balaam. Both are mentioned in Revelation 2.

Nicolitanes comes from two words: nikao: "to conquer" and laos: "the people or laity". It symbolically represents the earliest form of priestly order or "clergy" which later divided the brotherhood of saints into levels or ranks. A priestly higher order with authority and control over the lower ranked laity or common people of the congregation.

The deeds and doctrines of the Nicolaitans is a conquering of the laity by the clergy. Ministers called to lead the church of God as shephards set themselves in levels or ranks over the laity. Human leadership determined by organizational politics. Natural and political devices wrestle the control of the churches away from Christ as ministers are placed in political office over churches, other ministers and over the laity.

Ministers are elevated. The laity are subjugated. Thus, Christ loses the full measure of influence over the church which he purchased with his own blood. The Holy Ghost (Christ) loses the liberty to set overseers or bishops in the church, according to the will of God, as the Holy Spirit sees fit. Thus the laity are conquered by natural man's leadership; even though it is done prayerfully.

Jesus said He hated it. Just as any parent hates it when someone has more influence over their child than they do. Jesus died for his church, his bride. Christ wants to be able to guide, speak, instruct, and minister to his church without man's disruption. Jesus hates it when his wife listens to someone else more than to himself, ..Christ. He wants to be head (the controling influence) of each believer; ...of each minister; ...of each congregation.

Christ through the Holy Ghost set many men as elders by the Spirit as overseers or bishops over the church in the New Testament. Man did not choose them. The Spirit did. When God's will is revealed to man, then man acknowledges God's call by ordaining, confirming, endorsing, or agreeing with the wishes of the Holy Spirit. This is how it was done in the local house assemblies in the New Testament. Man doesn't choose. God chooses. When men through human reasoning, organizational politics and natural strength of character begin to exercise their will and authority over the children of God, Christ is being de-throned in his own house. When men have political leverage over more than their own local church, they are on the path to dethroning Christ as the head of the church.

.....More to be added later ....

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