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We Believe . . .
The Bible
We believe that the Bible scriptures of the Old and New Testamet are the Words of the creator of heaven and earth to us humans to reveal in a written way His plans, desires and how human-kind of all races might have fellowship with him and know him.
We Believe that the God described to us in the Bible is our creator. He is a Spirit, which no man has ever seen, that fills all time and space. He also reveals himself as a Father to any of his created off-spring.
We believe that man was created in the image of God that we might know him. The first Man Adam of the human race fell from an exalted relationsip into a sinful state and nature and transfered that sin nature upon all his human descendents.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the next Adam of another race, was conceived by God's Spirit within a virgin that he might still create a race of Sons after a spirit birth - of which Jesus Christ is the first.
We believe that Jesus, as another lamb sacrifice, gave his life on the cross in death to ransom, to make atonement for the 1st Adam's sin nature that came upon all humans.
Jesus Death, Burial, and Resurrection
We believe that Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection after 3 days and his ascension into heaven where he now is sat down
The Holy Ghost (Spirit)
As the Father has life in himself. he his Son Jesus the capacity to have life in himself, that by receiving the Spirit of the Son into our hearts we also enter into a Father-Child, Father-Son, Father-Daughter relationship with the Father of spirits.
Eternal Judgment